Osteoarthritis of the knee joint, symptoms and treatment

In the knee joint of the femur and tibia are covered with articular cartilage. There is a second type of cartilage, forming the so-called menisci, that act as interlayer helena dampers.


Doing so can be both full, so partial loss of cartilage. This process is often isolated to certain land in the joint, and in such cases it can be caused by injuries and chronic wear and tear of the joint.

Pathology and symptoms of osteoarthritis

Manifestations of arthritis are associated with the fact that swiftly the cartilage loses elasticity, smaller, thinner and gradually collapses. To induce cartilage destruction can be a variety of reasons: age-related changes, hormonal imbalance, metabolic disorders, circulatory disorders on the background of diseases, the consequences of the injury.

Osteoarthritis of the knee is manifested by a set of symptoms:

  • the pain, the intensity and militancy, which varies depending on the stage of the disease;
  • accompanying the movement of the crunch in the knees;
  • stiffness at the beginning of the movement;
  • limitation of range of motion in the joint;
  • deformity of the knee joint.

The reasons for the evolution and types of

The causes of arthrosis are a few: it is the process of aging and the wear and tear of the cartilage, being overweight, trauma, autoimmune diseases in which the immunity attacks its own joint tissue, causing inflammation and subsequent destruction.

Knee joints are exposed to large loads during the whole life, so prone to the degenerative processes of more, unlike other joints.

The main reason for the development of arthrosis of the knee joints of the second degree – ignoring the person of the first symptoms and the lack of timely treatment. Other reasons:

  • age – in 80% of cases suffering from joint arthritis people suffer (to a greater extent women) after 40 years;
  • injuries – often prone to this athletes.
  • pathology of joint – endocrine, inflammatory, etc.

When osteoarthritis of the knee joint 2 degree of destruction passes through not only the cartilage, but also his background. The cartilage becomes less flexible and robust, it begins to wear off, so without the protection of the bone surface.

The main causes of arthrosis of the knee joint are associated with increased physical load of middle-aged people, which leads to violation of blood supply and nutrition to the cartilage of the joints, which sees to the functional failure of the joint.

in the initial stage

We distinguish two forms of arthrosis of the knee joint: primary and secondary.


Starts its development relatively early – in the children's helena young age.

Different degrees of arthrosis of the knee joint

As well as many other, diseases of the arthrosis of the knee joint is divided into several stages.

  1. The easiest treatment — osteoarthritis of 1 degree. Symptoms: the presence of small slits inside the joint, the surface of the edges sharpened, in a patient loss of mobility.
  2. If the patient, osteoarthritis of the knee joint 2 degrees, it is manifested in the following: considerable loss of patient mobility, when walking the affected knee emit a characteristic creak, the inside forms a strong narrowing of the slits and cysts.
  3. Osteoarthritis of the 3 degree deprives the possibility to move, there has been a large deformation of the joint, on its surface to form a seal.
  4. At last the fourth stage, the cartilage in the knee joint completely collapses.

For the treatment of gonarthrose II grade can be used honey. For example, for body wraps, massages helena home use.


Signs and symptoms of

Osteoarthritis of the knee flag often develops after 55 years on the background of age-related changes on the skin. In the pathological process of tissue of other organs involved rarely, unlike arthritis, when with the development of inflammation, the infection spreads into the tissue of the heart, nerve fibres, skin.

The main symptoms of arthrosis of the knee joint:

  • in the early stage of the feelings of the pain of the weak, the intensity of the pain is coming on in waves;
  • gradually degenerative changes violate the mobility of the affected joint, in the morning, the patient is difficult to bend and straighten the knee;
  • when running the pathologies of cartilage are destroyed, significantly limited the possibilities for walking;
  • the lack of synovial fluid, a strong friction joint of the head, joining some of the objects causes pain not only at load, but even without it.

Signs and symptoms of

Doctors believe ostreatus common disease that is able to move in an epidemic. The first symptom of the disease — acute pain in the patella, severe pain when walking, in some cases, a person simply can not move.

Which in turn sees to the complete loss of functionality of the patient, physical and moral degradation.

The most typical signs of arthrosis in the second degree:

The pathology of this disease becomes a reduction in the momentum of the joint, restriction of motion and the emergence of a sense of stiffness of the joints.

It should be noted that arthrosis of the joints can hit different areas of your patient's body, but the most common of them are such species, as is osteoarthritis of the knee joint, the disease osteoarthritis of the lumbar and cervical spine as well as osteoarthritis of the shoulder joint, severe osteoarthritis of the ankle joint and brush, and even osteoarthritis of the hip joint.



Definition of joint arthrosis of the knee joint begins with the physical examination the doctor, examine the history of and interview with the patient. Be sure to pay attention to the doctor, what often becomes the cause of the pain, and tell us about cases of the disease in the family, if they had any.

To treat used narcotic analgesics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, slow-acting drugs gold, corticosteroids, methotrexate, etc.

Medical therapy of arthrosis of the knee joint includes three main areas:

  • the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which are needed for it to relieve the pain and reduce the intensity of the inflammatory process in tissues;
  • intake of the drug for the recovery of the cartilage, between which belongs chondroprotectors: glucosamine and chondroitin;
  • the use of creams and ointments in the complex therapy of deforming the flow of arthrosis.

The main goal of pharmacological treatment is the removal of pain syndrome, improvement of the nutrition of the cartilage, activation of regenerative processes, increase of joint mobility and normalization of blood circulation in the knee.

When far advanced, irreversible lesions of the knee osteoarthritis cure radical way – prosthetics, something there, the implant of a metal prosthesis replacing the destroyed joint.

This is so far the only way which gives the chance for a full recovery, but the implants have a limited life span, after which the irreversible change.

Because the price of these operations is very high, this method of treatment is so far has not received wide distribution.

There are many folk recipes for a variety of ointments and compresses on the basis of herbs, medical bile, apply warming bandages made of natural wool. Basically actions similar methods is aimed at the elimination of pain and removal of the main symptoms.


How to treat arthritis of the knee joint? In the early stage of articular pathology lends itself well to the therapy. In addition to the pharmacy ointments and tablets offer herbalists folk methods of treatment of arthrosis in the knee joint.

Replace drugs phyto means cannot be: the refusal of pharmacological treatment will worsen the condition of the patient's joint, will stimulate the further development of the degenerative-degenerative changes.

Stop the destruction of cartilage and accelerate the regeneration process can be only in the comprehensive action.

Drug medication

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory preparations are required in the treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint for relief of pain during the breakdown of cartilage. Home remedies are applied in the form of gels and tablets. It is important to strictly adhere to the daily dose, frequency of use, duration of treatment.

In acute arthritis therapeutic activities are carried out in this order:

  • it removes the pain;
  • in the presence of an inflammatory process, in accordance with the measures for its removal;
  • performed treatment aimed at restoring cartilage.

The main role in the acute phase is assigned to the drug treatment anti-inflammatory drugs, maybe holding a series of physiotherapy treatments.

Of the drugs are basically displayed chondroprotectors, that can on the 1-2 stage to slow down the destruction of cartilage.

When the knee is deformed, the joint is completely helena almost completely lost mobility, how to get rid of the constant pain not even the drugs or physiotherapy.

In the treatment of osteoarthritis prescribe pills and ointments that relieve pain, and also acts against inflammatory processes, prescribe physical therapy, that slow down the process of destruction of the joints.

And the diet should be richly trace elements and nutrients, which will be enough for the processes of formation of new tissues and cells, occurs in the body of the patient.


The diet selects only a doctor, a nutritionist, who will take into account the health status of the patient. It is very important to know what restrictions and binge eating habits damages the joints.

In the treatment it is possible to use a special brace, crutches and canes, which unload the patient from the additional physical burden.

It should be noted that arthrosis of the knee joint is one of the most common disease that occurs in many former athletes. It has to do with the fact that in youth these people were exposed to huge stress, to injury, to microtraumas to the joints, breaking up the ligaments and multiple injuries.

Compress with horseradish, which helps you from joint pain

To prepare this compress it is necessary to dig, helena buy fresh horseradish root, then grind it to a very shallow grater. All the resulting content is necessary to fall into the water and let it relax on low heat, but water should not get to a boil.

After 15 minutes, the broth cool, and the resulting composition is to be put to canvas fabric, but pre this fabric should be wet in the broth. The composite fabric is to be put on the affected place.

It is advisable to arm yourself with the roots of horseradish for the winter and use it as needed.

A poultice for the treatment of arthrosis

To prepare a compress need 5% of the medical iodine, 10% ammonia, alcohol, glycerin, medical gall flower may honey. All of these components it is necessary to take in equal proportions and mix well.

Then they should be allowed to stand for 10 days in a dark place. Before applying the mixture it is necessary to shake and do it with his help compress.

Such treatment should be carried out every day, until it's to subside the pain.

Folk remedies

For nutrition and regeneration of cartilage, is to his tissues need a constant supply of these substances, as chondroprotectors – glucosamine and chondroitin. It's the most useful substance for people who suffer from osteoarthritis of the knee joint.

Their income should take place after a very long period of time, from six months and more, only in this case, you can rely on the positive medicinal effects.

However, for such useful properties of these substances, should not be considered as a primary treatment of arthrosis. Deforming arthrosis of the knee joint requires the use of medication chondroitin and glucosamine less than 1.5 years.

Also take into account that they are not able to fully restore the damaged cartilage.

Injections into the knee products based on hyaluronic acid can slow the progression of joint arthrosis, but symptomatic relief only gets half of people with this diagnosis.


Osteoarthritis of the knee joint provides comprehensive access to treat, and the recipes of folk medicine acts as a complementary treatment. Deserves the attention of such means, as a decoction of onion peel, extract from the leaves of the dandelion, a mixture of aloe, vodka and honey in equal volumes, the night wraps from the salt with honey and many more.

It is also recommended to eat more Brawn and jelly.

Preventive measures

Prevention of arthrosis of the knee involves many factors:

  • Balanced diet: in the diet should be adequate amount of protein, vitamins and trace elements.
  • The fight with the wrong way of life and how to get rid of bad habits.
  • Normalization of body weight.
  • Adequate physical activity.
  • Prevention of sports injuries, come out of the weights.

The most important in the identification of this pathology like osteoarthritis knee – it does not start the disease, because far away enemies, set his stage lead to disability.

But if in time all the forces on the treatment and prevention of – as long as it is not overlooked and the symptoms are negligible – there is a chance of complete deliverance from the disease.

It is important to read: arthritis of the knee joint.

Preventive measures consist in:

  • teaching of physical education and sport;
  • tax avoidance a large load on the knee joints;
  • weight control and its reduction;
  • immediately seeking medical help if inflamed joint helena was injured out.